
Hello, my name is Clarissa but you can call me Clary, I'm a 20 year old creative person who likes to express myself however I can! I enjoy drawing, cooking, baking, playing games, listening to music, and collecting stuff! I have autism, depression, and anxiety but i hope I am able to make people smile, and maybe show them something cool!
More general information
- I am genderfluid, my pronouns are she/her/he/him I'd prefer if you switched between the two, sometimes I may switch my pronouns to only one of the two for different amounts of time please keep this in mind.
- I am 19! But this account isn't nsfw if I do make anything nsfw it will be for an important reason and tagged as such!

I don't identify as a "proshipper", but I believe that fiction should be able to have taboo topics in it because it is in the realm of fiction. Just because I may like a piece of media with sensitive themes, does NOT mean I condone in real life. Please use basic knowledge when speaking with me or ask questions and I'll happily answer.
Little bonus thing: I use words like bro, and dude as gender neutral terms but if this upsets you please tell me directly and I will not call you thesešŸ§”

Things I like!

PokƩmon, Digimon, Fire Emblem, Devil Survivor 1&2, Persona 3&4, Genshin Impact, The World Ends with You, Disgaea, Yu-Gi-Oh, My Little Pony, Sonic The Hedgehog, Wadanohara and the Great Blue Sea, The Gray Garden, Ice Scream, IB, Animal Crossing, BSD, Kingdom Hearts, Yozakura Quartet, Littlest Pet Shop, 2000s culture, plushies, analog horror, args, digital horror, true crime, Touhou Project, Granblue Fantasy, Acceleracers. (And lots, lots more...)Currently Hyperfixated on: Touhou Project.

The Weeb list

Sometimes I do anime this isn't everything but some of my favorites! Also since stuff like Digimon, Yu-Gi-Oh, and YZQ was listed above I will not relist them.
Code Geass, Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood, Sailor Moon, Bleach, Eureka 7, Cowboy Bebop, Hellsing, Tokyo Mew Mew, Dragon Ball (OG, Z, GT, Super), Durarara!!, Gurren Lagann, and Gundam 00 are some of my personal favorites.


- Due to my depression there may be periods where I despair, or not tweet as much, I am okay though! I am just taking a break and may need to recharge myself.
- Sometimes small things may cause me to break down and have full blown panic attacks.
- I tend to text multiple times because im scatter brained
- Do not call me Eve/Evelyn I do not like being called this anymore.


PLEASE do not show pictures of these, I don't like seeing.
- Spiders, or any bugs (please tag if you can)
- The 2016 Clown craze/when everyone dressed up as clowns. (Don't mention this)
- Animal death, or any harm done to an animal in general.


> You are a pedophilie, or zoophilie.
> You call literal children (even fictional) lolis, and shotas.
> dni directly if you're under 15
> You attack VAs for something out of their control, or attack VAs in general.
> You just want free art or something out of me.
> If you hate Nowi Fire Emblem and talk about it openly (she is a comfort character of mine)
> if you attack people for their ships
> anti-ship, identify as an anti


Kin for fun, doubles ok!Comfort characters: Yamato Hotsuin, Mao (Disgaea 3), Captain Nemo, Tana, Nazrin, Beat.

Feel free to tag me in giveaways!
Ily <33

Art account, YouTube, Discord: HoneyDooley, Tumblr
Please ask me for my 18+/Vent Twitter if you want it.